
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

(Don't) Be Hamlet

Hamlet, is having trouble deciding whether life is worth living. He is coming to the conclusion himself that people only continue living because they fear what may come from "the undiscovered country." He understands the emotions that may cause a person to end the agony that he sees as life, but he fears death. Not only because it is a sin in the eyes of those arround him, but he fears the unknown. "For in that sleep of  death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must gives us pause."

In Hamlet's mind, there are two options: kill himself, and end his Earthly troubles, or fight the battles he needs to fight, to slove his problems. His dilema, is not only an physical one. He must decide for himeslf whether he is moraly prepared, and spiritualy ready to accept death, though he does not know what comes after.

Hamlet does, however, have responsibilities that outweigh even his self importance. His duty to his country, his duty to his father, and his duty to himself to be the person he has the potential to be. He must fufil his responsibilities, and learn to deal with the stresses that come with the life he leads. He must do his duty. No one will do it for him.

Hamlet is still young. He has much life ahead of him, and must try to get past himself to learn to deal with his own life. He will have struggles in the future. Life doesn't get easier. He needs to learn that his life is one of heartache and pain. He needs to tough it out.

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